Sinead Matthews
Megan Mansfield Megan Mansfield

Sinead Matthews

A three day labour, 12 hours active, she finally entered the world vaginally at home in our bath, around familiar faces, serenity and love,  bang on 42 weeks gestation! A story I think would’ve ended differently for me had I been in hospital.

I did it, and I am so proud

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Nadine Eram
Megan Mansfield Megan Mansfield

Nadine Eram

Maeve’s birth was profoundly healing, revealing my strength and fulfilling dreams I missed with Jude’s emergency C-section. The invincible feeling I had afterward sustained me through our postpartum journey, making that morning one of the most unforgettable and magical experiences of my life

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Kathryn Bowman
Megan Mansfield Megan Mansfield

Kathryn Bowman

“The relaxed and tailored support alleviated my anxiety about being overdue and the possibility that I may need to be induced. I felt so at peace with the process and felt no stress or pressure. I truly believe this allowed my body to feel safe and go into labour naturally.”

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Britt Delves
Megan Mansfield Megan Mansfield

Britt Delves

How we met our beautiful Isla Scout 💕The birth was everything I had hoped for and more (minus the lack of water haha)!  For the second time I had a magical and empowering birth at home that left me inspired and in awe of how amazing the human body is. 

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Erica Chatterton
Megan Mansfield Megan Mansfield

Erica Chatterton

“It was the most calm, gentle, nurturing experience. I felt held and cared for - while everything was at my pace and my choice. I had the opportunity to listen and trust my body and my baby and it felt like a truly magical experience.”

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Alex Thoma
Megan Mansfield Megan Mansfield

Alex Thoma

Birth was everything and nothing like I had imagined, intense yet calm, humbling yet incredibly empowering and the best damn thing I’ll ever do in my whole life.

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Erin O’Connor
Megan Mansfield Megan Mansfield

Erin O’Connor

I was able to share the magic of my labour and birth with my daughter. She witnessed the pure strength and capability of women and how we can birth our babies.

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Stefania Franja
Megan Mansfield Megan Mansfield

Stefania Franja

I looked up back at Edie, she was no longer the centre of my universe. Now, there were two centres.

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Niki Lundberg
Megan Mansfield Megan Mansfield

Niki Lundberg

To me, giving birth is an invitation to turn inwards, recognise the immense power of the body, and be guided into a state of complete presence.

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