Sinead Matthews

“My little girl entered the world vaginally at home in our bath. Around familiar faces, serenity and love.”

My first babe decided he would be breech. I was in the public system and with very little education or confidence from obs and doctors felt no choice but to have him delivered via c-section at 39.3 weeks.

Second pregnancy, I was more informed, had done my research and wanted to try for a VBAC as much as I could. I understood that through continuity of care I was at a higher chance of achieving my VBAC. I began my research of private midwives and eventually found the beautiful Marita from MAMA who supported my decisions and made me feel heard.

It felt right for me and my family to have our second babe at home as I truly believed this was the only way I would’ve achieved a vaginal birth. My little girl (who I was convinced was a boy) took her sweet time! A three day labour, 12 hours active, she finally entered the world vaginally at home in our bath, around familiar faces, serenity and love, bang on 42 weeks gestation! A story I think would’ve ended differently for me had I been in hospital.

I did it, and I am so proud.

Birth story by Sinead Matthews.


Nadine Eram