MAMA Birth Private Class

A comprehensive private class for those who prefer to learn in a more intimate environment. Available at MAMA Kensington, MAMA Hampton and in the comfort of your own home.

Private Class Details

Perfect for first-time parents wanting to cover it all - late pregnancy, labour/birth, postpartum, breastfeeding & newborns but prefer to do so on their own schedule, or within a more individualised atmosphere.

Labour & Birth Class Outline

  • Optimising maternal space

  • Hormones of labour

  • Stages of labour, what to expect, how to manage

  • Positions for labour

  • Optimising birth environment

  • Visualisation and breathing

  • Pain vs power

  • Water for labour

  • Massage

  • Working with pain and managing pain (including available natural and pharmaceutical pain relief)

  • Assessment techniques in labour and your options

  • Options for birthing your placenta

  • Optimal cord clamping 

  • Induction of labour

  • Instrumental births

  • Caesarean birth

  • Episiotomy

  • Informed consent and making decisions

  • Birth partners

  • The newborn

  • Vitamin K

  • Hepatitis B vaccine

  • The 4th trimester

  • Postpartum recovery

    Breastfeeding & Newborn Class Outline

  • Benefits of breastfeeding

  • Baby’s first breastfeed and the breast crawl

  • Baby stomach size and milk volumes

  • How often should baby feed

  • Feeding cues

  • Colostrum

  • Milk ‘coming in’ – full milk

  • Getting a good attachment

  • Breastfeeding positions

  • Baby-led attachment

  • Mixed feeding

  • If baby requires top up feeds

  • Hand expressing

  • Using a breast pump

  • Breastfeeding difficulties

  • Where to access support

  • How long to breastfeed for

  • Tandem feeding

  • The 4th trimester

  • Safe sleeping

  • Nappies

  • Bathing

Labour & Birth
 – 7 hours (with lunch break in the middle)
Breastfeeding – 3 hours
Combined Labour, Birth & Breastfeeding – 9.5 hours

Labour & Birth – $750
Breastfeeding – $350
Combined Labour, Birth & Breastfeeding $1050

Your Presenter:

Private sessions are facilitated by Rachel and Dianne in Melbourne & Hayley in Brisbane.

You can meet Rachel, Dianne & Hayley over on our Meet our Team page.

The Location:

Classes are held in a comfortable space in our MAMA Kensington or MAMA Hampton clinic, or in the comfort of your own home. Class times will be arranged individually with our educators, based on both of your availability.

How To Book:

Please click here to contact us provide the following information in your contact

- Name

- Estimated due date

- Which baby number is this

- Your preferred class option

- Your preferred class location

- Your availability (please provide multiple suggested dates & times  that would work for you so we can arrange smoothly)

Refund Policy:

Due to our small group sizes & high demand, payment is required in full at time of booking & is non-refundable in the event of change of mind, other engagements, forgetting to attend or illness.

Full refunds will only be given for unexpected early births (provided you are less than 36 weeks pregnant at the start of the course).

If you wish to move your booking to another course date, please get in touch at least 7 days before the start of your booked course (space permitting). 

If you’d like to pay in instalments, please contact us on 03 9376 7474.

In the rare instance that we need to cancel the class (presenter illness, minimum booking numbers not reached etc), we will contact you 3-5 business days prior to the class. We will aim to facilitate you joining another class, or offer a full refund if this is not possible.