Knowledge is Empowerment

We provide evidence-based education classes taught by a passionate team of registered midwives, lactation consultants and expert guest speakers. 

Welcome to MAMA Education

Our work is founded on a deep respect for women, birthing people, parents, and practitioners.

The goal for our birth & parents education classes are to help people to feel more informed, supported and in tune with their decision-making capabilities.

We believe that birth and early parenting have the potential to impact many aspects of a person’s life, their relationships with their baby, partner, and their community. In our professional education classes, we aim to support practitioners to increase their knowledge & skills and have a supportive environment to continue their life-long learning.

We believe it is important for passionate midwives, obstetricians, lactation consultants, doulas and students to have a sense of community and a learning hub to remain inspired during their 

Our team of registered midwives and lactation consultants began teaching classes in 2015 in Melbourne. We aim to share wisdom, increase confidence and encourage self-trust in parents & practitioners in Kensington, Hampton, Warragul & Brisbane.

Birth Education

We believe that women & birthing people inherently know how to birth a baby but acknowledge that most people like to prepare for big life events by increasing their own understanding. We have different classes to meet your needs including a comprehensive Classic Course, a Planned Caesarean Course and a VBAC workshop. Our birth classes are based on physiology, informed decision-making, best available evidence and up-to-date research. We appreciate the nuances and shades of grey that come with birth & postpartum. There is no one-size-fits-all approach and we want to help parents feel confident to choose what their positive birth & postpartum journey looks like. Our birth classes are facilitated by registered midwives who draw upon their knowledge & experience to answer all of your questions.

Birth Education Classes Melbourne

Parent Education

We believe that the parenting journey is a time where support can often feel limited, and external noise can feel loud. There is no one ‘right way’ to parent and it will take time to find the style that fits your family. Our team of lactation consultants and midwives can guide you through classes that encourage you to explore your approach to parenting in the Fourth Trimester workshop. We also have classes that provide a space to learn important practical skills such as CPR and choking management in our First Aid class, and how to breastfeed your baby in our Breastfeeding workshop. For many people, they focus a lot of attention on childbirth education (which is important), but often forget to prepare for the next chapter. We want to encourage the learning to continue into postpartum and beyond.

Antenatal Classes

Professional Education

As passionate practitioners, we believe it is important to continually develop our own knowledge, understanding and skillset. To support our community to do so, we hold focused workshops that combine theory and practical skills on a range of different topics. We host expert guest speakers so that we can all learn from the masters & remain inspired to continue our work in this space. We also run courses that facilitate midwives and lactation consultants to complete their CPD each year, in a way that is actually interesting and beneficial to their growth. We welcome any perinatal care providers, midwives, lactation consultants, obstetricians, students, birth workers, doulas or birth nerds to join us. 

Childbirth Education Australia

Why families and practitioners love
MAMA Education Classes

Our classes are:

- Welcoming and inclusive – we are always trying to learn how we can ensure our communities feel safe at MAMA
 - are held in small groups, particularly the birth and parent classes, so that you have a group learning experience yet feel like there is time for all of your questions
- are developed and facilitated by our team of registered midwives & lactation consultants, not just somebody who took a weekend course
- are independent and focus on evidence-based information, without the influence of hospital policies, clinician preferences or a branded syllabus
- are offered in multiple locations such as Kensington, Hampton, Warragul and Brisbane
- aim to help you feel less overwhelmed and actually excited for your next chapter or your career
- aim to support you in developing your confidence to make informed choices and communicate these to clearly others
- are often tailored to you by asking you to fill out a survey prior to class about your goals
- are suitable for people either birthing or working in different models of care such as public/private hospitals or homebirth spaces

Meet our Educators

  • Hayley Nolan

    Hayley Nolan

    What's your name and role at MAMA?

    I’m Hayley, I am an endorsed midwife & work as an educator and as the education manager here at MAMA.

    What inspired you to work at MAMA?

    When caring for families as a midwife in the public maternity system, I consistently found myself craving more time to answer the wonderfully curious questions that they had – which led me to education.

    What are you passionate about at MAMA?

    I’m increasingly passionate about parents stepping into their power - entering birth with self-trust & emerging into parenthood with confidence. I’m also passionate about having ample time to expose people to different perspectives, share some laughs, cultivate connections with me and other parents & reassure them that their internal knowing will combine with what they learn so that they can make the right choices for their family.

    What are your favourite things about your role?

    When I first walked into MAMA, I saw women attending appointments & hugging their midwives. I commented that it looked like they were being brought into somebody’s sitting room for a cup of tea & a far cry from the version of midwifery that I was used to in tertiary hospitals. MAMA midwives inspired me to reevaluate what midwifery meant to me after a season of burnout, complete further training and open my mindset to working in a different way. Truly, it lit me back up & showed me what burning passion feels like as a midwife. I’m now embarking on my own journey to offering private midwifery care in Brisbane. There is something powerful in being part of a team who are so passionate about holistic care – it inspires you to continue growing. Being an expat, MAMA has been a grounding presence & a massive part of my community in my home away from home.

    Where would we find you outside of MAMA?

    In my down time, you’ll currently find me annoying my new puppy with kisses while he tries to sleep. When I'm not obsessing over my fur baby, my life is filled with the magic of ordinary moments – being with friends, videochatting my family until the next visit home, laughing with my partner, putting my toes in the sand, listening to every episode of my fav podcasts, camping, travelling & reading books galore.

  • Abby Holmes

    Abby Holmes

    What’s your name and role at MAMA?

    My name is Abby and I’m one of MAMA’s childbirth educators and also an MGP midwife at Joan Kirner hospital.

    What inspired you to work at MAMA?

    I’ve been drawn to midwifery since I was little and still struggle to explain why. The pull was deep and inescapable. I had a sense, the way children do about things, that birth - and the bonds formed at birth - hold all the most important secrets about our world. I also sensed I would never be at my happiest unless worked with women and babies. I now know both of these to be true.

    What are you passionate about at MAMA?

    MAMA is special to me for so many reasons, above all because it feels like home. There’s nothing I’d trade for the warmth and sense of belonging gained from working in a team that shares the same core values. I remember my first time walking into MAMA instantly being met with hugs and real connection …and it has been the same way ever since.

    What are your favourite things about your role?

    I am most passionate about expanding access to midwifery continuity of care across our country - particularly to indigenous, culturally and linguistically diverse families. In addition to my midwifery degree I also hold a Bachelor of International Studies, which is where this passion emerges from. This experience allowed me to travel to India and Africa working in maternal health and studying issues of reproductive justice. My midwifery position at present is in Galinjera, which is the MGP team for all First Nations families that come through our hospital.

    Where would we find you outside of MAMA?

    I live in St Kilda with my adoring partner, so between time on-call for women and births, I am usually walking along the beach with him, reading books, practicing yoga, napping, and talking about midwifery to anyone who will listen. I also love dancing, singing, hosting gatherings of women, travelling and taking road trips around our beautiful country.

  • Amanda Mutasa

    What's your name and role at MAMA?

    I'm Amanda - CPR instructor

    What inspired you to work at MAMA?

    I love educating and talking to families about how to care for their families

    What are you passionate about at MAMA?

    I'm passionate about making the class realistic and actionable steps you can apply in your every day life

    What are your favourite things about your role?

    MAMA is more than special to me, it is home. I initially used MAMA midwives to have a homebirth and then ended up working here afterwards. The community, vibes and care are second to none.

    Where would we find you outside of MAMA?

    I'm home with my kids, enjoying a good book, baking sour dough.

  • Chantal Camden

    Chantal Camden

    What's your name and role at MAMA?

    I’m Chantal one of the MAMA childbirth educators. I also am married and have three beautiful children.

    What inspired you to work at MAMA?

    I have taught childbirth education for more than 8 years, so when the opportunity came along to educate at the beautiful MAMA, I could not resist.

    What are you passionate about at MAMA?

    The journey of pregnancy, labour, birth and of course the postpartum period is extremely special, so being able to provide education, knowledge and wisdom to those starting out their journeys is what I love doing. I am passionate in ensuring birthing teams are surrounded with avenues that they can explore to ensure they are making informed choices throughout that entire journey.

    What are your favourite things about your role?

    MAMA is special in many ways, but I feel the likeminded midwives and staff make for an environment like no other!

    Where would we find you outside of MAMA?

    If I’m not at MAMA teaching classes I’m living in Gippsland with my family making every second count!

  • Dianne Morris

    What's your name and role at MAMA?

    I am Dianne Morris an educator in the childbirth and early parenting space. I trained as a nurse midwife and researcher in the UK and worked in the NHS as a nurse, midwife, and clinical researcher. Once I arrived in Australia I worked as a research midwife and nurse in Sydney.

    What inspired you to work at MAMA?

    I was drawn to work at MAMA. I was also offered the opportunity to design and facilitate the development of the fourth-trimester workshop, offering parents, the chance to explore their new reality as a parent with a new baby.

    What are you passionate about at MAMA?

    Teaching, and thinking of new ways to teach and deliver content for the childbirth and parenting classes. Information on childbirth and parenting is constantly evolving, and delivery of content will change depending on the participants who attend the class, and the current research.

    What are your favourite things about your role?

    I was attracted to work at MAMA because It is run by Midwives, for Mothers, and everything is focused on women and babies. MAMA is a one-stop shop for all things relating to pregnancy, birth, babies, and alternative therapies. Making the women's pregnancy journey cohesive and smooth. I enjoy spending time in the building, speaking with the midwives, and being supported by the admin staff.

    Where would we find you outside of MAMA?

    I am an introvert and spend my home time creating music on my steel pan, learning to play the guitar, or cooking something delicious from scratch. Music and theatre are two of my passions, I am a Public Relations Manager to a range of musicians and creative artists, from the African and Caribbean diaspora. Promoting ethnic music and performance to the Australian creative artistic market is enriching. I also spend time, teaching and inspiring the next generation of nurses and midwives as a sessional academic at the Australian Catholic University. I am a member of the Project Advisory Group at the Murdoch Children's Research Institute I spend time with community members, working within maternity care settings, and health professionals providing pregnancy care. aims to understand and enable culturally safe approaches to stillbirth prevention for communities of refugee and migrant backgrounds receiving pregnancy care in Australia.

  • Lizzie Jamieson

    Lizzie Jamieson

    What's your name and role at MAMA?

    My name is Lizzie and I am a childbirth Educator at MAMA! Alongside this I also work as a caseload midwife at a Melbourne based public hospital.

    What inspired you to work at MAMA?

    I was looking for something to complement my hospital based clinical work. Educating families across the spectrum of pregnancy, birth and postpartum is one of my favourite parts of being a midwife so teaching childbirth education classes felt like a natural progression!

    What are you passionate about at MAMA?

    My great passion is presenting families with the tools to make informed choices in all aspects of their care on their journey to parenthood.

    What are your favourite things about your role?

    I love that MAMA provides such an amazing array of services for parents and families across the childbearing continuum.

    Where would we find you outside of MAMA?

    When I’m not at work you’ll usually find me curled up with a good book and cup of tea, usually with my fur-baby Monte by my side!

  • Melissa White

    Melissa White

    What's your name and role at MAMA?

    I'm Melissa, an educator at MAMA

    What inspired you to work at MAMA?

    I added educator to my list of roles when I felt I had the knowledge to pass on to parents and families built from 10 years working as a nurse and midwife. Nothing beats the feeling when you receive an 'ah-ha' moment when sharing information

    What are you passionate about at MAMA?

    I am passionate about education and empowerment through learning and sharing of information. I am full of gratitude to be able to provide families with skills and strategies to keep their little ones safe and their minds at ease.

    What are your favourite things about your role?

    MAMA is truly woman and family friendly. Its warm environment is welcoming to anyone who walks through their doors.

    Where would we find you outside of MAMA?

    I'm keeping up with my young family or taking some time out for a solo run.

  • Seb Basserabie

    What's your name and role at MAMA?

    Seb (she/her) - Childbirth Educator at MAMA and Registered Midwife/Nurse working within public maternity care.

    What inspired you to work at MAMA?

    As a typical extrovert, having a robust conversation is something I love to do. So naturally, teaching about midwifery and all it comes with fills my cup! My initial pull to midwifery came whilst living abroad in Israel - my second home. I witnessed countless missed opportunities for supporting and nourishing women's health within my own community and wished to be the change. This has led me to seek work in more culturally diverse spaces; both in my own and within other communities, with a hope to foster strength within women and the belief in themselves.

    What are you passionate about at MAMA?

    Many of us come with deep-seated ideas about healthcare, the power of women, what family means, where we hold community, and how we love. My passion is to dovetail all those elements with evidence-based midwifery practice, and sometimes be a little goofy in the process. After all, laughter is a language we all understand!

    What are your favourite things about your role?

    MAMA truly practices midwifery with heart, fusing evidence-based practice with empathy and trust. I resonate with this very much.

    Where would we find you outside of MAMA?

    To wind down, I love to peruse markets, op shops and anywhere with special treasures. I also love to swim, boogie, sip chai with a friend, or hang out with my awesome husband, Jesse.

What’s on at each MAMA Location

Kensington, VIC

All Classes

Hampton, VIC

Classic Classes
First-aid Classes
Student Workshops

Gippsland, VIC

First Aid

Brisbane, QLD

Classic Classes
First Aid - Coming Soon!

Do you have a question for MAMA Education?

Please submit an enquiry below and a friendly member from our team will be in touch as soon as possible.